This information from : The Nobel Foundation 

NOTE: The first Memorial Prize was awarded in 1969

 Prize          Laureate                      Motivation
 Economic       -FRISCH, RAGNAR               "for having developed and
 Sciences 1969  -TINBERGEN, JAN               applied dynamic models for
                                              the analysis of economic

 Economic       -SAMUELSON, PAUL A            "for the scientific work
 Sciences 1970                                through which he has
                                              developed static and dynamic
                                              economic theory and actively
                                              contributed to raising the
                                              level of analysis in economic

 Economic       -KUZNETS, SIMON               "for his empirically founded
 Sciences 1971                                interpretation of economic
                                              growth which has led to new
                                              and deepened insight into the
                                              economic and social structure
                                              and process of development"

 Economic       -HICKS, Sir JOHN R.           "for their pioneering
 Sciences 1972  -ARROW, KENNETH J.            contributions to general
                                              economic equilibrium theory
                                              and welfare theory"

 Economic       -LEONTIEF, WASSILY            "for the development of the
 Sciences 1973                                input-output method and for
                                              its application to important
                                              economic problems"

 Economic       -MYRDAL, GUNNAR               "for their pioneering work in
 Sciences 1974  -VON HAYEK, FRIEDRICH AUGUST  the theory of money and
                                              economic fluctuations and for
                                              their penetrating analysis of
                                              the interdependence of
                                              economic, social and
                                              institutional phenomena"

 Economic       -KANTOROVICH, LEONID          "for their contributions to
 Sciences 1975  VITALIYEVICH                  the theory of optimum
                -KOOPMANS, TJALLING C.,       allocation of resources"

 Economic       -FRIEDMAN, MILTON             "for his achievements in the
 Sciences 1976                                fields of consumption
                                              analysis, monetary history
                                              and theory and for his
                                              demonstration of the
                                              complexity of stabilization

 Economic       -OHLIN, BERTIL                "for their pathbreaking
 Sciences 1977  -MEADE, JAMES E               contribution to the theory of
                                              international trade and
                                              international capital

 Economic       -SIMON, HERBERT A.            "for his pioneering research
 Sciences 1978                                into the decision-making
                                              process within economic

 Economic       -SCHULTZ, THEODORE W.         "for their pioneering
 Sciences 1979  -LEWIS, Sir ARTHUR            research into economic
                                              development research with
                                              particular consideration of
                                              the problems of developing

 Economic       -KLEIN, LAWRENCE R.           "for the creation of
 Sciences 1980                                econometric models and the
                                              application to the analysis
                                              of economic fluctuations and
                                              economic policies"

 Economic       -TOBIN, JAMES                 "for his analysis of
 Sciences 1981                                financial markets and their
                                              relations to expenditure
                                              decisions, employment,
                                              production and prices"

 Economic       -STIGLER, GEORGE J.           "for his seminal studies of
 Sciences 1982                                industrial structures,
                                              functioning of markets and
                                              causes and effects of public

 Economic       -DEBREU, GERARD               "for having incorporated new
 Sciences 1983                                analytical methods into
                                              economic theory and for his
                                              rigorous reformulation of the
                                              theory of general

 Economic       -STONE, Sir RICHARD           "for having made fundamental
 Sciences 1984                                contributions to the
                                              development of systems of
                                              national accounts and hence
                                              greatly improved the basis
                                              for empirical economic

 Economic       -MODIGLIANI, FRANCO            "for his pioneering analyses
 Sciences 1985                                 of saving and of financial

 Economic       -BUCHANAN, Jr., JAMES M.      "for his development of the
 Sciences 1986                                contractual and
                                              constitutional bases for the
                                              theory of economic and
                                              political decision-making"

 Economic       -SOLOW, ROBERT M.             "for his contributions to the
 Sciences 1987                                theory of economic growth"

 Economic       -ALLAIS, MAURICE              "for his pioneering
 Sciences 1988                                contributions to the theory
                                              of markets and efficient
                                              utilization of resources"

 Economic       -HAAVELMO, TRYGVE             "for his clarification of the
 Sciences 1989                                probability theory
                                              foundations of econometrics
                                              and his analyses of
                                              simultaneous economic

 Economic       -MARKOWITZ, HARRY M.          "for their pioneering work
 Sciences 1990  -MILLER, MERTON H.            in the theory of financial
                -SHARPE, WILLIAM F.           economics"

 Economic       -COASE, RONALD H.             "for his discovery and
 Sciences 1991                                clarification of the
                                              significance of transaction
                                              costs and property rights for
                                              the institutional structure
                                              and functioning of the

 Economic       -BECKER, GARY S.              "for having extended the
 Sciences 1992                                domain of microeconomic
                                              analysis to a wide range of
                                              human behaviour and
                                              interaction, including
                                              nonmarket behaviour"

 Economic       -FOGEL, ROBERT W.             "for having renewed research
 Sciences 1993  -NORTH, DOUGLASS C.           in economic history by
                                              applying economic theory and
                                              quantitative methods in order
                                              to explain economic and
                                              institutional change"

 Economic       -HARSANYI, JOHN C.            "for their pioneering
 Sciences 1994  -NASH, JOHN F.                analysis of equilibria in the
                -SELTEN, REINHARD             theory of non-cooperative

 Economic       -LUCAS Jr., ROBERT E.         "for having developed and
 Sciences 1995                                applied the hypothesis of
                                              rational expectations, and
                                              thereby having transformed
                                              macroeconomic analysis and
                                              deepened our understanding of
                                              economic policy"

 Economic       -MIRRLEES, JAMES A.           "for their fundamental
 Sciences 1996  -VICKREY, WILLIAM             contributions to the economic
                                              theory of incentives under
                                              asymmetric information"

 Economic       -MERTON, ROBERT C.            "for a new method to
 Sciences 1997  -SCHOLES, MYRON S.            determine the value of

 Economic       -SEN, AMARTYA                 "for his contributions to
 Sciences 1998                                welfare economics"

 Economic       -will be announced on
 Sciences 1999  -October 13,
