Group Cohesiveness: 

[Factors that                       [Consequences of High 
increase Cohesiveness]               Cohesiveness]
1. Homogeneous Composition         1. Goal Accomplishment
2. Mature Development              2. Personal Satisfaction of Members
3. Relatively Small Size           3. Incraesed Quantity and Quality 
4. Frequent Interactions              of Interactions
5. Clear Goals (Competition        4. Synergistic Groupthink
   of External Threat)             
6. Success                        

[Factors that Decrease              [Consequences of Low
Cohesiveness]                        Cohesiveness]
1. Heterogeneous Composition        1. Difficult in Achieving Goals
2. Recent Formation                 2. Increased Likelihood of Disbanding
3. Large Size                       3. Fewer Interactions 
4. Physical Dispersion              4. Individual Orientation
5. Ambiguous Goals                  
6. Failure