Improving the Communication Process

             |             Source            |           Receiver
 Focus       | Question      |  Corrective   | Question   | Corrective
             |               |  Action       |            | Action
Message      |What idea or   |Give more      |What idea or|Listen 
             |thought are you|information    |thought does|carefully
             |trying to get  |Give less      |sender want |to the entire
             |across?        |information    |you to      |message,
             |               |Give Entire    |understand  |not just 
             |               |message        |            |part of it.
Symbols      |Does the       |Say it another |What symbols|Clarify 
             |receiver use   |way. Employ    |are being   |symbols before
             |the same       |repetition. Use|used-e.g.   |communication
             |symbols,words  |receiver's     |foreign     |begins. ask 
             |jargon?        |language or    |language,   |questions.  
             |               |jargon. Before |technical   |Ask sender  
             |               |sending,clarify|jargon?     |to repeat   
             |               |symbols to be  |            |message.    
             |               |used.          |            |            
Medium       |Is this a      |Use multiple   |What medium | Monitor
             |channel that   |media. Change  |or media is | several
             |the receiver   |medium,increase|the sender  |media
             |monitors       |volume         |using?      |
             |regularly?     |               |            |
             |somtimes?      |               |            |
             |never?         |               |            |
Feedback     |What is the    |Pay attention  |Did you     |Verify 
             |receiver's     |to the feedback|correctly   |receipt of 
             |reaction to    |esp, nonverbal |interpret   |message
             |your message   |cues. Ask      |the message?|repeat
             |               |questions      |            |message