
A Theory of Everything Takes Shape

--String theory was a set of unsolvable equations writeen down in the 60s to describe collisions of protons in accelerator experiments. --Later saw equations viewed as describing a new kind of fundamental particle : infinitesimal, one-dimensional strings which vibrate and interact which accounts for all known forms of matter. --Then those equations required the existence of gravity to be consistent , which made string theory the sole viable candidate for a single theory uniting the large-scale realm of gravity and the microscopic realm governed by the other forces of nature. --The cases studied were either vastly too simple or complex. --Theorists have discovered five consistent distince formulations of string equations, each describing a different type of fundamental string, which for a supposedly unified theory of everything can be considered moderately embarrassing. 10dimensional universes. String theorists use compactifications to hid the 6 superfluous dimensions, leaving them with the 3 of the real world. But the equations say nothing about how to choose one over another. Thus impasse. --String theory is rife with dualities, i.e. apparently different formulations of the theory are actually equivalent. String theorists have learned that their equations permit the existence of a whole new zoo of potentially fundamental objects from strings and magnetic monopoles to minuscule black holes and even five dimensional bubblelike membranes! At the same time, they have found that all these objects and all five different formulations of string equations appear to be simply different manifestations of the same underlying theory. --Dualities are powerful tools, a problem unsolvable in one formulation is solvable in another. ++ Imperturbable equations. --The sticking point is that the unification of quantum physics and gravity that string theory aims to describe can take place only at the plank energy scale (18 orders of magnitude higher than the energies achieved by the most powerful accelerators). --But it does have a "low-energy" side -> supersymmetry. Supersymmetry postulates a relation between the particles of matter, known as fermions and the wavelike particles called bosons. that mediate forces. In known physics, those two classes of particles seem distinct, but supersymmetry holds that for each existing fermion there must be a matching boson and vice versa. --But we have yet to discover the superpartners. --Obstacle : String theory has remained unamenable to the techniques that physicists studying quantum theories have traditionally used to calculate physical processes. --Because of uncertainty inherent in the world of quantum physics, any theory attempting to describe the interaction of particles and forces has to take into account an infinite complex of possibilities, which makes the equations impossible to solve exactly. Only way is to use approximation or perturbation theory. --Electromagnetism (quantum electrodynamics) QED, might want to compute what happens when two electrons approach each other. The most likely thing to happen is nothing. The next most likely thing is 1 electron will emit a photon and the other will absorb it and thereby scatter. So in QED, the outcome isthe sum of these possible interactions, multiplied by ever increasing powers of a number called the fine structure constant, which is a measure of the probability of interaction of two particles. --In QED, coupling constant is 1/137. Since powers of 1/137 approach zero quickly QED agrees with experiment. If the coupling constant > 1 , (like with strong interactions) like the strong force that holds quarks. protons, and neutrons together then you're out of luck. A perturbation expansion will grow with each successive term, never converging on an answer. QCD the existing theory for the strong force. --String theory also has to explain strong coupling scenarios like nuclear binding. Theorists study extremely simplified versions of the equations "toy" theories not likely to bear much resemblance to reality. 10-dimensional string theories or 4 dimensional supersymmetry theories that are an ingredient to string theory. They contain not just one supersymmetric relationship between fermions and bosons, but lots of them. The relevant mathematics permits up to eight supersymmetries, and although theories with more than one (known as n=2, n=4 , or n=8 supersymmetry) are mathematically incapable of generating "real" physics, they are increasingly easy to study and solve. --The added symmetries are a powerful tool, but the closer we get to the real world, the fewer symmetries there are, and the fewer tools we have to analyze the theory. Need a non-perturbative string theory. Dualities, promises a way to do just that. +++Making connections Does the electron (the fundamental unit of electric charge) have a counterpart - the monopole? an eliusive and so far undetected particle which carries an isolated magnetic charge. This "duality" between electric and magnetic charge was first proposed by British theorist PAM Dirac in the 1930's who wrote it into the theory of electromagnetism to make the theory consistent with quantum mechanics. Dirac's monopole had several noteworthy characteristics. For one, if the electric charge was small, the magnetic charge of the monopole has to be large and vice versa. --Dirac's monopoles played little role in physics for the next40 years. In the early 70's Gerard t'Hooft of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands and Alexander Polyakov of Princeton showed that monopoles arose naturally as solutions of grand` unified theories (GUTs) , which attempt to unify all the forces of nature except gravity. Their work led Claus Montonen of the University of Helsinki in Finland and David Olive (U of Wales) to suggest in 1979 that certain GUTs might have aduality between electric and magnetic charges, similar to the one Dirac has proposed. --If the duality really existed, they added, the inverse relation between the monopole's charge and the electric charge implied that excchanging monopoles for electrically charged bosons would also flip-flop a theory from strong coupling- which was not amenable to perturbation expansion - to weak coupling, which was. In other words, if a theorist came across an unsolvable strong coupling scenario in one GUT formulation, he could look at its inverse in the weakly coupled formulation and solve the equations that way - on the other hand Montonen and Olive managed to produce little evidence that GUTs really had this electric-magnetic duality and for the next 10 years everybody forgot about it. --In 1989 electric magnenetic duality began attracting new interest from string theorists , who by then were at an impasse. Harvey & Atish Dabolkhar of Caltech said electrically charged string could be dual to solitons - hypothetical particlelike objects that include magnetic monopoles. That same year Strominger proposed an even more bizarre duality : between strings and objects called five-branes. A Five-brane is a five-dimensional analog to a string (five-brane is short for "five-dimensional supermembrane"), and Strominger found that this 5-dimensional object is a solution to the equations of string theory and could be a fundamental object justl ike a string. The equations also suggested that in some way these 5-branes were dual to 1-dimensional strings in the same way that electric charges and magnetic charges were dual in Montonen and Olive's conjecture. --The dualities proliferated when Duff made an excursion from the 10 dimensions to 6 dimensions. Duff suggested that if a 5-brane were wrapped around a 4-dimensional space known as a manifold in a six-dimensional universe, what would be left would a 1 dimensional object - a string, one of the five varieties described in string theory's various formulations. If , as strominger has suggested another species of string was dual to these five-branes-turned-strings, there might be a duality between two different types of strings, albeit one that only existed in a six dimensional universe. --The pieces fell together. Ashoke Sen of TaTa Institute in India showed that electric-magnetic dualities Montonen and Olive had proposed for GUTs really exist in a 4-dimensional supersymmetry theory. Then N. Seiberg of Rutgers with Ed Witten of Princeton showed that these dualities could open the way to analyzing a supersymmetric theory plagued by strong coupling. --Chris Hull of QMC in London and P. Townsend of Cambridge conjectured that the electric-magnetic dualities not only exist in a 6-dimensional string theory, but are much more powerful than ever before imagined. In this case the dualities link not electrons and monopoles but two of the five different kinds of strings that theorists have envisioned, iknown as heterotic and type II Strings. --Earlier, string theorists had written off type II strings as part of a theory of everything because these strings implied a universe without charged particles. To solve this problem, Hull and Townsend invoked the possibility of another duality. Their hypothetical charge-bearer is called an extremal black hole- the theoretical end of the line for charged black holes, which are believed to evaporate gradually through Hawking radiation. Hull and Townsend suggested, that these black holes might be dual to strings, in the same way that magnetic monopoles are dual to electrons in the four-dimensional theory. ++Web of dualities Witten wrote a paper in March 1995. He provided new evidence and codified how many of these things ought to work and discarded other things which didn't work. On the one hand, the dualities seemed to have opened the way for the fundamental particles of string theory to be almost anything - any of the various string formulations, monopoles or five-branes, or even the extremal black holes. Much of the present excitement was generated when Strominger and Morrison showed the black holes could turn into strings and vice versa (Science 23 June p1699). The unique positions that strings occupied has somehow vanished, since strings, black holes and membranes - all these higher dimensional extended objects - have a part to playi n the big picture. --What once appeared to be five distinct theories we now know are all equivalent to each other. It is now clear there is just one string theory which is nice, since only one known theory consistent with gravity and quantum mechanics. We only need one. --We now have the tools to explore theories with less supersymmetry and greater realism. Witten and Vafa were writing paper for theory with n=1 supersymmetry. --Its like a primitive society finding some advanced tool left behind by some other culture. You push one button it does one thing, push another it does something else. S +

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